Dear readers
I know this is supposed to be a fashion blog, but I figured out I started blogging claiming I want to bring out your best self forward. And I think I can do that not just by giving tips and tricks on how to do makeup and what to and what not to wear. Your best self has to start from the inside, and this must be the third time I'm quoting that my motto is this :
Do what makes you happy
Be with who makes you smile
Love as long as you live
and Laugh as long as you breath.
I guess the people around us influence our well being more than we want to. Friends are the family we can choose, the people we choose to share our free time with, the ones we share our secrets with and which we can trust, and we choose to trust because we have faith that all they want is our best.
However, sometimes our own friends hurt us. When giving something to a friend, we should never expect a thankyou. If you are a friend to them, you should give them the freedom to respond to your friendship in their own way. Everyone has their own histories and personalities, and their own way of receiving and giving, maybe sometimes slower and more cautious than yours.
If we want to stop being hurt, we have to trust that those who love us want to show us their love in a real way, even when their choices of time, place and form are different from ours, and from what we expect.
''Friendship gives value to survival'' |
When giving anything, it must be given without worrying about the reason it's being given. Do not give to receive anything back, because there it is you who are being self centred by expecting, and not the other person, by not giving back. Allow friends the freedom to respond as they want, and let receiving be as free as giving, then maybe you can feel true gratitude.
Choose your friends wisely and don't be a pleaser. You will find people who will hurt you, and others who will surprise you by giving you more than you expect. Just remember that the gratitude of giving without expecting will never let you down.
Let me know if you would like more personal blog posts :)
Choose to shine!
Ruth x x