
Makeup and Skin Problems

Hello readers!

Have you seen the makeup portfolio I started on my facebook page? Take a look HERE if you haven't, and if you like it, keep following because more looks will be uploaded. For me, makeup is an instrument to make people feel more confident, awake, and bring out one's best facial features. Makeup is not a mask, makeup is an art, and like fashion, one has to adapt it to the personality, the age, and the face shape. There are no particular rules when applying makeup, but one can point out the difference between a neat makeup look, and a look which is not. You know when you have a great dress which fits, but it is not perfect because you're not wearing good underwear?  With makeup it is the same thing. The little things  we may take for granted, are the things which distinguish between two kinds of makeup looks, such as having too much on, or when it's not adapted to your skintone. 

In fashion, one takes good care of his figure and wears underwear which brings out best features so that clothes stay on better. In makeup, it is important to take care of your skin, so that not much makeup will be needed, and when applied, it looks more flawless and neat. A good skin is like a good canvas for a painting. The better the skin is, the less makeup one will need to hide imperfections, but it doesn't mean that people with acne or imperfections, cannot wear makeup which is neat and beautiful, and it doesn't mean either that girls have to wear makeup to look beautiful. 

It is however a matter of confidence. 

When I see this girl on youtube, I don't see a girl who's hiding herself behind makeup, or who's beautiful just because of makeup. I see a beautiful girl who is insecure about her looks because of her skin problems, a girl who knows that makeup brings her personality out more, because she doesn't have to care how people are judging her because of her skin. Makeup can bring her best self forward, and she can be the person she knows she is and not be self concious when around people. What's wrong in that? 

I have had skin problems since I was twelve, and I haven't really treated them the way I should have back then. It was never severe acne, but black heads and white heads had found an ideal habitat on my oily skin. My skin got worse and more pimples grew throughout the years, until I decided to try and take care of it. Instead of getting better, it all got worse as I was using an exfoliator which was too harsh on my spots, and I was spreading bacteria through my whole face. I have tried many different products these last three years, and finally I can really say that I'm seeing an improvement on my skin. I am still quite self concious about it, and I do wear makeup regularly, but I have faith that if I keep taking care of my skin as I am, it will become flawless some day soon. 

Everyone has their own favourite products to use, and one has to see what works best on his/her own skintype. My skin care routine consists of The Body Shop's Tea Tree Oil range: 

  • I use face wash, toner and moisturiser twice daily.
  • Daily, before going to bed, and after moisturising, I put drops of tea tree oil on my problem areas and pimples.
  • Every three days I use the exfoliatior brush with my facewash, avoiding contact with pimples and focusing mainly on my nose. 
  • I apply facemask once a week, it's not really a must, but it makes my skin so refreshing and soft that I cannot stay without. 
  • I use facial wipes to remove makeup when I'm lazy. It's not a big deal, it's always better than nothing. 
Tea Tree Oil

Cleanser, Toner, Moisturiser

Face Mask, Exfoliation Brush

I hope this was useful! 

Choose to shine!

Ruth x x 

1 comment:

Evella said...

prosit ruth! enjoyed reading and learning new stuff :) xxx

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